Business Development Group 2024

February 18, 2024

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"We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn." - Mary Catherine Bateson

Looking to grow and develop your business but unsure where to start?

Our Business Development Groups offer a private and collaborative structure to grow, share, and learn. Advanced Accounting uses structured course work to guide groups through various steps to develop and improve their business and ensure its sustainability. Spending time reflecting on their own and other’s business experiences, business owners commit to monthly workshops and deliver board reports to document their progress.

Whether a business is old or new, small, medium or large—all will benefit from being involved in this dynamic and invigorating environment. All resources are provided and excellent facilitation by Aaran McLeod ensures that every session achieves its goals. Business Development groups offer the structured time people need to spend away from their day-to-day tasks so they can work on their business. This is a game changer.

Sometimes you only need one word, or one idea, one perspective changed, and then you are on your way to success. In you there is a gold nugget that you can help others with, and that they can reciprocate.

Why not invest in yourself and be part of our Business Development Group this year?

Come and join us to find out more on Wednesday the 6th March, 3.30pm - 4.30pm at the BNZ Partners Building, 203 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North 4410.

Register here for BDG 2024

Register here to join us at our promotional seminar on the 6th of March.

Register here for a call back to find out more

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Advanced Accounting

76 Fergusson Street, Feilding 4702, New Zealand

Helping passionate Business Owners achieve their goals doing what they love.