February 27, 2021
Goal setting is often talked about but seldom do people actually have anything written down and it is normally more of a nice to have rather than something that they are truly willing to chase after. Many studies have proven that people with clearly thought out and written down goals are more successful and often achieve the goals that they have set. In my experience goals provide focus, it gives the person something to aim for. People are competitive by nature, it is why we have sports and in the game of business it is no different; we want to win. The goals you set for your business help to provide the way in which you “win” and this is different for each person because each person defines success in a different way based on their makeup and life experiences.
There are many ways that you can set goals. There are large amounts of resources online that can show you different methods and with so much choice it is important not to get overwhelmed. Find a way that works for you and set some goals around what you want your life, family and business to look like. Start simple and develop your own process over time. If something does not work well then pivot and adjust the process looking back at what you have learnt.
Furthermore having goals that you really want means that the journey is often difficult. It comes at a cost of sacrificing time, energy and resources to pursue your goals. When things get tough people often abandon their new course of action because there is no drive to push them through it, no force compelling enough to stand strong. Gym memberships soar in January however come February a lot of those people have dropped out, many people after hearing of health issues and the need to change lifestyle habits regularly don’t change anything long term. The reason why you have set the goals needs to be one to provide motivation so that you will chase after the goal in the face of adversity.
In the dynamic world of business there are so many factors that are variable and you will inevitably get knocked around. The tough times can be some of the greatest lessons you will ever learn. The tough times create increased levels of determination and perseverance if you have the right mind set. Reflecting back on the moments of hardship to know what to avoid and what to improve on next time while focusing on the goal ahead can be invaluable in years to come.
“Life is like a slingshot, the further you get set back the further you can reach” Michael Jr
Advanced Accounting
76 Fergusson Street, Feilding 4702, New Zealand
Helping passionate Business Owners achieve their goals doing what they love.