Give Respect, Get the Best

March 24, 2023

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There’s an old saying that respect isn’t given, it’s earned. But what happens when your employees feel that they have earned the right to your respect but aren’t receiving it? Simple: they quit, or at least become much less productive.
A 2021 study from MIT Sloan Management identified respect as the single most important element of corporate culture to employees; more than twice as important as the second most important element – supportive leaders.[1] This aligns with a recent New Zealand study by social media polling company Stickybeak and employee experience consultancy SGEnz, which found that a caring, respectful and supportive manager was the most important factor for their job satisfaction.[2]
It's never been harder to attract and retain top talent, and there is an epidemic of “quiet quitting” whereby workers do the bare minimum of work to just get through the day. It’s never been more important, then, to ensure you give your staff the respect they expect so that you can attract and keep the best talent and get the best out of your team.
So how can you make sure you’re showing your workers the respect they deserve? First and foremost, by treating them with courtesy and dignity. It’s simply about minding your manners – and as the saying goes, “good manners don’t cost you a thing”.
Another simple but important way of showing respect is by listening – really listening. That means giving your staff your full attention when they’re talking to you, not doing something else at the same time like checking your phone or computer. Listening is a skill the importance of which is often overlooked – and again, it’s free.
But why wait for your employees to come to you? It shows your staff even more respect to ask them about their ideas and opinions, and provide constructive feedback. Your workers are at the coal face every day – this makes them your best source of ideas and insights on how to make your business better. And actively seeking your employee’s input shows that you value their thoughts and experience and involves them in the pursuit of success for your business.
But perhaps the most impactful way you can give respect is by making a point of recognizing the talent, accomplishments and potential of your employees. But it’s easy to miss many of the good things your staff do, so one idea is to schedule a walk-around every day so you can see the great things your employees are up to and provide positive feedback.
There is no better way to get the best out of your team than to give respect. And fortunately, it doesn’t cost you a thing.


[2] SGEi, The Culture Report 2022, 2022
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"When we love and respect people, revealing to them their value, they can begin to come out from behind the walls that protect them." - Jean Vanier

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