Self Reflection

October 20, 2022

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Last week Thursday we had a team training day. We can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to step back and evaluate our habits (good and bad) and what becomes our norm.

As an administrator, a mum and a woman, sometimes I can put my worth in the ability to multitask and be "busy." One of my takeaways from the training was that we can be so busy multitasking that we actually become less efficient. One, because our attention has gone into a million different directions.

A classic example is we know what we want to achieve for the day, but somehow, we open our emails and get taken away from the task at hand.

This morning I was making my coffee and as I was pouring my milk into my cup (trying to make the most of all the fluffy milk) I was like oh just a little more, and then it spilt over the edge and over the bench. I was reminded how our lives can be like this, if we are living at the brim of our capacity, anything extra will cause our lives to spill and create a mess.

If we are constantly living in a state of multitasking or busyness then our identity can be formed in what we can do/achieve, rather than who we are.

So today, why don't you sit back and evaluate your habits, the good and bad and start afresh.

Advanced Accounting

76 Fergusson Street, Feilding 4702, New Zealand

Helping passionate Business Owners achieve their goals doing what they love.